Shopping Data Sources
Calculation Methodology:
- Company Disclosed: We display emissions where companies have disclosed emissions data, in partnership with verified entities.
- Estimates: We use secondary estimates and LCI databases from governmental entities like ADEME [Source: ADEME (www.ademe.fr)] and other credible sources. We augment the operational (use) data using datasets like Energy Star, combined with several other data sources for estimating life expectancy and usage. We then apply small multipliers for attributes, based on a particular product's deviation from the mean within its categorization
- Directional Estimates: We use input-output modeling via environmentally extended multi-regional input-ouput (EEMRIO) databases to cover other products. We use EXIOBASE specifically for our Multi-Regional Input-Output Table (MR-IOT). Similarly to others, we use the United Nation's Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) taxonomy, and we use a concordance table provided to us by Richard Woods (NTNU) to translate from EXIOBASE categories into COICOP categories. We then map COICOP categories to e-commerce site categories, take the consumer price index and exchange rates into consideration, normalize the outputs of products within a product category, and apply a multiplier based on weight and price.
Input Factors:
- Specific products and product attributes
- Product categorization
- Product-categorization mappings
- Product attributes for categorization purposes: structured, semi-structured
- Life expectancy and usage estimates for specific products
- Country of use
- Price
Data Sources & Attribution: